Monday, July 12, 2010

Todays Motivation

Maciejowski Knight pose One lucky guy via Flickr
I wanted to go back to an older motivation and talk a bit more about it. Excuses.
We all can have them and they can be easy to generate. Like a shield that protects us mentally we put them up and get behind them whole heartedly. What excuses do are they do protect us, however they also weaken us. Because we no longer have that danger hitting us, it instead hits that shield.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Sure we may fail in this weight loss game of ups and downs. But, if we continue on and struggle and fight it will strengthen us more than hiding behind that shield ever did. Living with the fear of failure is very powerful, it holds us and makes us its prisioner. We can sit there and accept our fate, or we can get up push the shield out of the way and go and fight this thing on our own terms. Fail, succeed, either way we have brought the fight to fear.

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