Thursday, July 08, 2010


The Burger King "BK Stacker" sandwic...
Image via Wikipedia
     Its here!!! I am so excited. I went and did 5K just now to celebrate and to see how it registers the data. My data will be a bit off because I did not get it until 1:30pm today. I think that it will make it much easier to exercise and watch what I am eating. My little snack for breakfast was a whopping 450 calories. OH MY! I haven't eaten since then so I am about to go make a sandwich and see what the damage is.
It sure as heck wont be this ---->>>>
Well mainly because I am a vegetarian, but you get the drift!
On a sightly more somber and sad note... I have been weighing myself on an analog spring scale for years. My weight would vary 2-3lbs from each weight, right after another. So I used to guess what my real weight was and it made it really hard to be accurate. So, I bought a cheap digital off of Amazon and it is AWESOME and really impressive. Its accurate down to 0.2 lbs and that is way more than my 'ole spring jobby.  Now the bad news... I am actually 6 pounds heaver than the reading on the analog scale. So, my real weight is actually 264 pounds. What a bummer. The good news is that from now on it will be very accurate and I can actually stand on the thing weigh myself get off and the number is still there for like 30 seconds. No more leaning forward to get a reading and throwing the reading off.

Here is what I bought if your interested:

So I am going to adapt and move ahead like I have been and take the new weight as just another learning lesson. I still have lost weight, just not as much as I thought. My Monday weight will be the new number. Lets see if I can burn through 6 lbs this weekend and match last weeks weight! No... thats not safe. I will take my time and lose it like I was.

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